A Complete Guide to Sun Salutations for Strength and Flexibility
Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is a foundational sequence in yoga that involves a series of postures performed in a flowing manner, synchronized with the breath. There are two primary variations: Surya Namaskar A and Surya Namaskar B.
Surya Namaskar A:
This sequence consists of a series of postures that are typically performed in a specific order. The sequence is designed to warm up the body, improve flexibility, and connect movement with breath.
Surya Namaskar B:
Building upon the foundation of Surya Namaskar A, this sequence incorporates additional postures such as Utkatasana (Chair Pose) and Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I), making it more dynamic and challenging. It further enhances strength, flexibility, and coordination.
Performing three rounds of each sequence involves completing the entire set of postures three times, moving fluidly from one pose to the next, and aligning each movement with an inhale or exhale. This practice not only prepares the body for deeper asanas but also fosters mental focus and a meditative state.
For a visual demonstration and guided practice of both Surya Namaskar A and B, you might find this video helpful: